Welcome! Here’s a big old list of all my posts (Ctrl-F is your friend!). If you wanted to browse by category, use the menu above.
2012 | Jun 24
[MoP Beta] Priest Mana Regen Revisited
“This is a follow-up to my previous post on the subject, to look in a ...”
22 19
Reflecting on the Dragon Soul Nerfs
“The Dragon Soul nerfs have now reached the 25% mark. How has the experience been?
When ...”
| May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan 24 20
Dragon Soul Nerfs
“Blizzard has announced that from January 31st Dragon Soul normal and heroic will be hit ...”
03 01 | ||||
2011 | Dec | Nov 30 29
Patch Preparation
“I always like to be well-prepared for a new patch, and given that my guild ...”
4.3 Dragon Soul Guide for Discipline Priests
“With the new Dragon Soul raid now live, it's time to start getting ready for ...”
MoP Priest Spells
“In a previous post I talked about the talents Priests will get to choose from ...”
MoP Talents and Glyphs
“A quick mini-post/ramble before the Priest spells post that'll follow shortly.
I was working my way ...”
Little Wobbles
“So it seems the blog experienced a little hiccup late last week that I didn't ...”
08 | Oct 18 17 08 “Assuming you've not been living under a rock, you'll be aware that just under three ...”
| Sep 29 20
Priest Class Feedback
“Blizzard recently put out a call to the community for feedback on the classes, presumably ...”
14 09
Search Term Fun
“Blatantly stealing a great idea, and if I could remember where I've seen this done ...”
On Gimmicks
“I've read a few posts recently talking about so-called "gimmick fights", and the alleged abundance ...”
Firelands Impressions
“I know I'm three months late, but in the last two weeks I finally took ...”
04 | May 09
Getting Started As A Healer
“I was listening to the My Epic Heals podcast recently, and in Episode 3 Fox, ...”
Problems With The 4.1.0 PW:S Change
“When I wrote my guide to 4.1.0, I commented that most Priests wouldn't really notice ...”
| Apr 28
Fixing 4.1 Addon Problems
“With every patch come the usual slew of addon errors, and 4.1 is no exception. ...”
The (Not So) Short Guide to Discipline 4.1
“4.1 is upon us, so here's a quick guide to how it will affect you ...”
| Mar 20
How to Stop Penance Turning Your Camera
“I recently did a clean installation of WoW for a new account and rolled (of ...”
My Favourite Profession
“When I first came across this week's Blog Azeroth Shared Topic from Amaranth of Specced ...”
I Don't Want to Top the Meters
“Well, OK, I do enjoy topping the meters from time to time when I really ...”
The Right Tool
“My favourite fight of this expansion so far has to be Nefarian's End. Not because ...”
| Feb 02
State of the Cataclysm
“Well there's nothing like leading a 25-man guild through a new expansion to suck up ...”
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2010 | Dec 22
Atonement Improvements
“Great news for those of us still loving the Atonement spec in the form of ...”
Discipline Healing Tips
“From following the EJ Discipline Compendium discussion, and from occasionally painful experimentation, I've settled on ...”
The First Cataclysm Raid
“Last night, less than a week after Cataclysm went live, my guild mustered up a ...”
[Leadership] The Influence of Celebrities
“I was reading Kurn's latest post, and a comment in it caught my eye: The ...”
“Ah, why not. I like the idea of a "time capsule", and I love looking ...”
Constructive Criticism
“I thought I'd break from the Cataclysm stuff with an old post I've finally got ...”
Venturing Forth into the Cataclysm
“I noticed after posting that this week's Blog Azeroth Shared Topic is "Initial Thoughts on ...”
| Nov 11
Power Word: Barrier Changes
“A (power) word about Power Word: Barrier, prompted by the latest Beta build (13277).
The latest ...”
Knock, knock!
“Yes, still here, although I'm aware that there's been quite a long gap between posts ...”
| Oct 28
4.0.1 Guide Updated
“Having raided a couple of times now and seen how 4.0.1 has played out, I ...”
Atonement and Penance Bugs - Updated
“Having made a post with tips and tricks for healing with Atonement, it appears to ...”
4.0.1 Druid Guide at Tree Bark Jacket
“4.0.1 is due pretty soon, and I'm feverishly writing up my guide for Disc Priests, ...”
| Sep 23 17
[Cataclysm Beta] Levelling in Cataclysm
“I wanted to post about this a while ago, but with testing as much of ...”
12 04
6 Months In
“I happened to spot that yesterday was my 6-month Blogiversary! Go me! It feels a ...”
Wrath Raiding Retrospective
“Everblue recently posted a retrospective on Wrath of the Lich King from one tank's perspective. ...”
[Off-topic] New Hosting
“So in the end I've moved to a new host (the recent niggles were the ...”
[Off-topic] Site Issues
“I’ve been having some pretty annoying site niggles lately so I’ll be doing a lot ...”
| Aug 27 26 17
Helping Out
“Moonra, the Resto Dude, recently proposed as the BA Shared Topic the question of how ...”
11 03 | Jul 30
New Circle of Healing Podcast Episodes 3 and 3.5 Are Out
“Recently I put up a review of the Circle of Healing Podcast, a Priest-slanted healing ...”
Healing and Addons
“There's recently been a bit of a debate over the use or not of addons ...”
[Cataclysm Beta] I'm in the beta!
“I'm sure it's a result of blind luck, rather than because someone at Blizzard reads ...”
Working Together
“In my recent post about letting people die I talked about working with other healers ...”
[Off-topic] Spammers confuse me
“I doubt this is a novelty to anyone else with a blog, but over the ...”
Letting People Die
“This post is inspired by this week's Blog Azeroth Shared Topic, suggested by Ecclesiastical Discipline, ...”
Healing Halion
“Last night my guild and I had the pleasure of valiantly coming to the aid ...”
| Jun 30
Circle of Healing Podcast
“I have a few chunkier posts in the works, including looking at Heroic Sindragosa and ...”
Levelling a Healing Priest: 1-15
“It's about this time in the WoW expansion cycle that my mind inevitably turns to ...”
Teething Problems
“Apologies to people who found their feed readers suddenly full of old posts today.
To ...”
And in with the new!
“Welcome to the new, improved, hopefully still functional Type "H" for Heals!
This is just a ...”
15 | May 27
"You Are Not a Tank Healing Spec"
“I came across the line in the title while dipping into the EJ WotLK Priest ...”
11 07 06
A Long, Strange Trip Through the Battlegrounds
“In common with what seems like a large proportion of the WoW population, I took ...”
| Apr 28
Tank Damage and Healing in 10s and 25s in Cataclysm
“I was reading Gravity's latest post where he elaborates on a post on the Blue ...”
Cataclysm Raid Refinements
“Ah, Blizzard. Just when I'm beginning to despair of my ability to actually complete any ...”
Cataclysm Class Previews - Summary
“Now that we've seen all four of the healing class previews (Shaman, Priest, Druid and ...”
Cataclysm Class Previews - Paladin
“Following on from the Shaman, Priest and Druid class previews, here's the Paladin preview from ...”
Cataclysm Class Previews - Druid
“Following on from the Shaman and Priest class previews, here's the Druid preview from a ...”
Cataclysm Class Previews - Priest
“Following on from the Shaman class preview, here's the priest version. I decided not to ...”
Cataclysm Class Previews - Shaman
“Blizzard has begun posting the current state of their thinking regarding how our classes will ...”
| Mar 25
Healing Changes in 3.3.3
“A short post, mostly for historical reference, looking at how the 3.3.3 patch has affected ...”
Assigning Healers
“Something that's varied a lot over the course of my raiding career, across a number ...”
The Monk
“A concept that comes up from time to time in the WoW community is the ...”
What Makes Healing Hard?
“A hot topic lately is the level of challenge in the game. In this post ...”
Your Bête Noire
“We all know the feeling of seeing the Dungeon Finder pop up a certain instance, ...”
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