Last week my favourite tank and I got married! She’s an amazing person and I’m extremely honoured to be able to call myself her husband (still getting used to the sound of that…)
As if that wasn’t enough, when we got back home we found ourselves invited to an in-game party organised by the guild, complete with excessive quantities of alcohol, drinking games to go with it, and of course awesome wedding presents! We’re now the proud owners of his and hers Mekgineer’s Choppers, amongst other things.
Seriously, <Abraxas> is such a great bunch of people. Thanks a lot to all of you for giving us such a fun night!
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Categories: Anecdotes
Congratulations to both of you! 🙂
Congratulations to both of you. It’s refreshing to know that a guy can express his feelings as well as you can. I’m very much proud if you.
Thanks for sharing your love to us.
Lea Dee
Wonderful! Congratulations!
Grats :]
Wow big grats to you guys! <3
OMG gratz gratz!
I need to start signing with my chars name lol
I just went with the byline in your RSS feed.
If you prefer Kat, be Kat, it’s all good 😀
Its my actual name lol I just thought ffs this must be confusing to peeps 🙂
Thanks to everyone for the congratulations, they are much appreciated!