Way back in April Blizzard were talking about making Haste (and Crit) affect HoTs and DoTs. Here’s what they said:
All HoTs and DoTs will benefit from Haste and Crit innately. Hasted HoTs and DoTs will not have a shorter duration, just a shorter period in between ticks (meaning they will gain extra ticks to fill in the duration as appropriate).
I should point out that this also applies to channelled spells as well, which will now have the possibility to gain extra ticks just like HoTs. Penance-lovers rejoice!
Update: This appears not to be applying to Penance on Live, as of 16th of October. I don’t know if this is a bug or not, but it was working on Beta. Feel free to comment if you spot a Blue confirmation either way.
To begin with, in response to a thread on PlusHeal, I first did a quick-and-dirty test on the Beta. I tested with Renew (nominal 12s duration, 3s tick interval) with whatever haste I was standing up in (7.53% total haste), a Potion of Speed (11.52% total haste) and Borrowed Time (23.46% total haste)
If you want the raw numbers, they’re available by clicking through, but in summary:
- The total duration does initially reduce with haste as the ticks get shorter.
- When you get a certain amount of haste you get an extra tick and the duration jumps back up again. It’s possible for the duration to go above the nominal duration (12s in the case of Renew).
- If you cast a HoT while under a haste effect, such as Borrowed Time, all your ticks will be hasted, not just the ones that go off while the buff is active. However, the spell tooltip and the HoT buff you get both (misleadingly) update as soon as the haste effect fades.
- Haste rating per 1% Haste = 128.11
Erdluf and Zusterke at PlusHeal pointed out that the current thinking is that you gain the extra tick whenever the difference between the nominal duration and the actual duration gets to be more than half a tick, and that this certainly can lead to the total duration exceeding the nominal duration when the extra tick is added. This is consistent with the original statement from Blizzard that the duration won’t change, on average at least.
So if you can speed up the HoT enough to fit at least half a tick in, you get a full extra tick.
Based on this, here’s where the total haste breakpoints should be for various HoTs. The reason the HoTs have different breakpoints is because they have different tick intervals and total durations.
HoT Name | Breakpoints at (total haste): |
Penance | 25%, 75% |
Renew | 12.5%, 37.5%, 62.5%, 87.5% |
Rejuvenation | 12.5%, 37.5%, 62.5%, 87.5% |
Regrowth (HoT) | 16.666%, 50%, 83.333% |
Lifebloom | 5%, 15%, 25%, 35%, 45%, 55%, 65%, 75%, 85%, 95% |
Wild Growth | 7.15%, 21.43%, 35.715%, 50%, 64.285%, 78.57%, 92.855% |
Riptide | 10%, 30%, 50%, 70%, 90% |
I went back and tested this in more detail on Renew, which is a 3s tick interval, 4-tick HoT, and it does appear that the transition to an extra tick does indeed happen at the 12.5% haste point as expected. Here’s the result of a few trials I did:
Healing per mana (HPM) and Healing per cast time (HPCT)
Here’s a look at the way haste affects the total duration and numbers of ticks of various HoTs:
Note that the numbers of ticks for Rejuvenation and Renew do not include the instant heal from Gift of the Earthmother and Divine Touch respectively, since these aren’t true ticks.
What you can see in this graph is the duration of the HoT decreasing as your haste increases (not quite linearly, haste does have a bit of a curve on it because of the way it’s calculated) and then when you reach the breakpoint the extra tick is added and the duration jumps up again, to somewhere above the nominal duration.
I’ve labelled the breakpoints to indicate the total number of ticks you’ll be getting from that breakpoint onwards as you increase your haste. So looking at the line for Riptide at the top, after the first breakpoint you’ll now be getting 6 ticks instead of the standard 5.
This graph also lets you see graphically the locations of the breakpoints for the HoTs, so if the table above wasn’t clear enough, you can use the graph instead. You can see on this graph, for example, the breakpoints for Renew and Rejuvenation at total haste percentages of 12.5%, 37.5% and 62.5%.
From a healing-per-mana (HPM) and healing-per-cast-time (HPCT) point of view, you want as many ticks as possible, because each extra tick adds a chunk of healing for no extra cost in time or mana. This makes it highly desireable to get above a breakpoint. However, HPM and HPCT only change at a breakpoint.
Healing per second (HPS)
I also wanted to look at things from an different angle: healing per second. In this case, since the result is similar for every HoT, I’ve just picked out Renew/Rejuvenation as an example. (I’ve arbitrarily given each tick a value of 2k, which is about right for Renew on the beta. Look at the shape, rather than the numbers.)
The thing to notice here is that the HPS curve increases linearly while your haste increases, it doesn’t change around breakpoints. So if you’re using your HoTs for their throughput, you’re not going to see a radical difference in HPS from stepping over a “breakpoint”.
Of course, you will notice the difference between a HoT with a 10.7s duration and one with a 13.2s duration (the biggest jump in duration for Renew/Rejuvenation) when you have to spend GCDs more often to refresh your HoT, and of course refreshing a HoT less often saves mana, so you will still want to get over that breakpoint.
Updated 3rd October: Improved clarity and readability. Added more HoTs and more detail to the main graph. Included all the breakpoints in tabular form as well, for reference.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Pewter, Malevica. Malevica said: New post: [Cataclysm Beta] Haste and HoTs – A Quick Example (http://bit.ly/cbAwWg) […]
“refreshing it less often does save mana”
I recall reading that refreshing a dot/hot while it’s active will extend the effect and not clip it. Have you played with that? What happens if you cast the same spell on someone 10 times back-to-back? Do you end up with 105s left on the hot?
When you recast a HoT what it does is extend the duration by enough to allow the next tick to happen, then adds the “new” HoT time onto the end. You only get to finish the one tick though, so unfortunately you can’t stack it up like you suggest.
It also doesn’t reset the tick timer, so if your last tick was going to happen in 0.2s, it will occur 0.2s after you refresh the HoT, as you’d expect, and the next tick will follow one tick interval after that.
Here’s a couple of example casts. In the first one I recast before the last tick:
Event Time since last tick
Cast 0:00:00.000
Tick 0:00:02.753
Tick 0:00:02.686
Tick 0:00:02.887
Recast –
Tick 0:00:02.753
Tick 0:00:02.853
Tick 0:00:02.804
Tick 0:00:02.803
Tick 0:00:02.837
Fade –
And in the second I recast after the first tick:
Event Time since last tick
Cast 0:00:00:000
Tick 0:00:02.620
Recast –
Tick 0:00:02.908
Tick 0:00:02.733
Tick 0:00:02.853
Tick 0:00:02.887
Tick 0:00:02.703
Fade –
Hope that made some sort of sense. I think I picture would work better, but it’s way too late at night for that. Perhaps as a follow-up post.
Ah, thank you for that! I’ve been wondering about that since GC first mentioned it ages ago.
[…] Type H for Heals posted a table that contains breakpoints for all our hots. This table will survive through to 85, because he […]
[…] changes to GotEM, changes to other buffs, and the loss of Celestial Focus as a haste option. Type “H” for Heals explains how Haste will work with […]
[…] haste soft-cap is 1015 haste, which gives you an extra tick of rejuv with full raid buffs (37.5%). More info on the haste scaling with HOTs can be found here. This number of haste won’t put your GCD at 1 second, but it is the number you should try to […]
I already get an additional reju tick with 1023 (31,20%) haste rating and 5% haste from the Moonkin. So it should be sth like 36,10% instead of 37,5% which is required.
The thing to remember is that haste rating adds together, but % haste from different sources multiplies, so you actually have more than 37.5% total haste there.
The calculation is:
1.3120 x 1.05 = 1.3775 or 37.75% total haste
(haste % from gear) x (haste % from Moonkin Aura) = total % haste.
ahhhh yes, right. Forgot about that, thanks for the numbers and graphs
You cannot get an extra tick of penance with haste. I got my haste all the way to 60% and still no extra tick.
wonderful post! I’ve been looking for these numbers for a while now 😮 /facepalm that I missed this
Im testing in live 4.01 server, with 25% haste my rejuv ticks 6 times…
I’ll have a look into it on my Druid
You’re right. What’s happening on the Druid with Rejuv but not on the Priest with Renew is that Rejuv’s ticking once immediately upon application, rather than doing nothing for one tick interval.
This is due to Gift of the Earthmother: “Causes your Rejuvenation spell to also instantly heal for 15% of the total periodic effect”.
[…] off to Malevica at Type H For Heals for the quick and handy info on how haste grants extra ticks for each particular […]
[…] […]
[…] I tried to do some math for my Restotwin about Haste. By taking values of [Cataclysm Beta][Cataclysm Beta] Haste and HoTs – A Quick Example (typehforheals.com) it seems that it's all about more ticks. So I did by note 5% […]
[…] […]
[…] Originally Posted by qwweer I didn't say it doesn't benefit from haste, I said it doesn't benefit from haste caps. Being refreshed 100% of the lime Lb scales with haste linearly, unlike, for example, Rj which gets additional ticks at certain levels. I think it was explained earlier in this thread – reaching haste caps increases hot HPCT, which is very good in current GCD capped environment, but is not true for Lb, which never ticks fot its full HPCT value. Spreadsheet might not not take this fact into account depending on how it calculates haste benefits – hence the unexpected results… Took this from another thread which is from this website: [Cataclysm Beta] Haste and HoTs – A Quick Example � Type "H" For Heals […]
[…] best resource right now is probably the post on Type “H” for Heals. It has pretty extensive details (complete with graphs) of all of the HOT spells, and how haste […]
[…] att den totala varaktigheten på HoTs initialt minskar med haste, pga att ticksen blir kortare. (Källa) * När du får en viss mängd haste får du också ett extra tick och varaktigheten förlängs. * […]
[…] For a very in depth evaluation of Haste’n HoTs, breakdowns, HoT calculations for Healing per mana (HPM), Healing per cast time (HPCT) and Healing per second (HPS): check out this post on Type”H”4Heals […]
[…] but a large HPCT (efficiency) boost. For a better explanation than I can easily type out, see here (second graph). Haste increases HPS linearly but has major efficiency increases as you pass a […]
[…] att den totala varaktigheten på HoTs initialt minskar med haste, pga att ticksen blir kortare. (Källa) * När du får en viss mängd haste får du också ett extra tick och varaktigheten förlängs. * […]
[…] again, another tip of the cap to Type “H” For Heals. Go there for much more eloquent and attractive lessons on HoT break points (with graphs!). Want to […]
[…] You get a 5% raid buff to your haste rating, so with raid buffs, my fully epic premade druid would still be at around an 18% haste. So, lets look at the break-points for haste below 22%, since that’s a more realistic set of possible resto haste goals for your VERY early level 85 experience (Type H for heals has the full list of break-points): […]
[…] would stack additive to 8%. x * 1,08 = 1,2143 (21,43% haste are required to gain the 9th wg tick, source) x= ~1,12435 Which meens you need roughly 12,44% haste or 1593 haste rating (rounded up). I'm […]
Hi, I just crunched some numbers, and according to my table, the right formula is 50×(tick interval)/(Nominal Duration)
Your rejuvenation numbers have a minor mistake
I think you might have quoted your formula incorrectly, because it doesn’t work properly as written.
For 5 ticks, for example, you need enough haste to fit 4.5 ticks inside 12s, which means you’re aiming to get your tick interval to 2.6666667s.
By your formula that would mean the haste needed is 50 * 2.66666667 / 12 = 11.11111%.
But try the same trick for 6 ticks, and it looks like you need 9.09% haste, so you need less haste to reach the higher ticks than the lower ones.
Here’s my calculations in detail for 5 ticks (and then I’ve repeated calculations for the rest, just to check), remembering you need a new tick duration such that you can fit 4.5 of them inside 12s:
[latex]NewCastTime = \frac{BaseCastTime} {( 1 + \frac{Haste\%}{100})}[/latex]
[latex]2.6666667 = \frac{3} {1 + \frac{Haste\%}{100}}[/latex]
[latex]Haste\% = (\frac{3}{2.6666667} – 1) \times 100[/latex]
[latex]Haste\% = 12.5\%[/latex]
To get 6 ticks, you need to get your haste such that you could fit 5.5 ticks inside 12s, so the duration is 12 / 5.5 = 2.181818182s.
[latex]Haste\% = 37.5\%[/latex]
To get 7 ticks, you need to get your haste such that you could fit 6.5 ticks inside 12s, so the duration is 12 / 6.5 = 1.846153846s.
[latex]Haste\% = 62.5\%[/latex]
To get 8 ticks, you need to get your haste such that you could fit 7.5 ticks inside 12s, so the duration is 12 / 7.5 = 1.6s.
[latex]Haste\% = 87.5\%[/latex]