Just as I started writing this I happened to notice that the previous post was my 100th published post. I also apparently passed the 2 year mark back in March sometime. Shows how much attention I pay to milestones! Anyway, go me!
On topic, I’m finally in the beta. Broadband being what it is down here in New Zealand, with download caps being the rule rather than the exception, I’m not going to be able to download the whole thing until the end of the month, but I am logging in and beginning to explore, so expect to start seeing some beta impressions and commentary as the beta rolls on.
At the moment I’m busy sorting out the basics of the UI and spells. Addons are disabled at this point and /cast appears to be broken or extremely buggy in macros too. Folks, we’re doing this the old-fashioned way!
I’m also a little sad that my Savior of Azeroth title didn’t carry over, but I do still have my Twilight Harbinger so I retain some epeen potential.
I’ll be spending most of my time on Lost Isles-US, where I’m Malevica on Alliance and (when my premade arrives) I’ll grab some variation of that name on the Horde side too so I have the opportunity to test both factions.
I’m also intending to copy over my Paladin tank or a premade Paladin and perhaps other healing classes as well, but time will tell how much testing I get to do on classes other than the Priest.
As always I’ll categorise beta posts and mark them in the title, so you can avoid potential spoilers if you prefer.
So watch this space, and let’s have some fun!