Welcome to the new, improved, hopefully still functional Type “H” for Heals!
This is just a quick post to confirm you are indeed reading the right blog and subscribed to the right feed, so congratulations, and thanks again for reading.
Because I’ve redirected the old url to this one you will not need to update bookmarks, but you will need to update your RSS feed subscription if you use that.
The new urls are http://typehforheals.com for the home page, and http://typehforheals.com/feed for the RSS feed.
Pewter unknowingly spurred me on when I saw the new guild site she’s been working on (it looks awesome, by the way!).
Thanks for reading, and for bearing with me during the transition.
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Categories: Blog Stuff
Congratulations on your move! Hopefully it’s gone nice and smoothly 🙂 This place is looking pretty smart.