NB: This guide will assume you’ve already read my normal Yorsahj strategy, or otherwise know the details of the fight on normal mode.
Fight Summary
The key difference between normal and heroic mode is that Yorsahj spawns four slimes instead of three, dramatically increasing the damage and meaning that you have some more difficult choices to make about which add to kill.
What this means in practice is that you’ll have to deal with the Purple debuff a lot more often, about half of the combinations will include a Purple, and your DPS will need to be much more on the ball to kill the double spawn of adds that comes from a Black/Yellow combination.
There’s also a trick to using the Blue Mana Void to your advantage, which I’ll talk about later.
First though, those combinations. There are in fact only 6 combinations that come up. I’ll list them all, along with a recommended kill target (underlined), and then talk about them all in detail.
These are listed in the order that the current version of DBM reads them out so you can use this as a quick reference if need be. I’ve left Black as white, for obvious reasons.
Purple – Red – Yellow – Black
Purple – Green – Black – Blue
Green – Red – Blue – Black
Green – Yellow – Black – Red
Blue – Black – Purple – Yellow
Blue – Purple – Green – Yellow
Combinations in detail
Purple – Red – Yellow – Black
This is just nasty. Kill the Yellow to keep the damage in check, and then go easy on the heals. You may blow one or two people up, but keep your head and plan ahead and this one is manageable.
If you have a surfeit of cooldowns, you could consider killing Purple, but you’ll need your cooldowns for a later combination so I’d recommend going with Yellow initially and learning to handle it.
The rest of the damage is pretty rough though, so blow those cooldowns and crank out the AoE heals.
Purple – Green – Black – Blue
By contrast, this is one of the easiest combinations to deal with. We kill the Black here to allow ourselves some solid distraction-free DPS time on the boss, but you could go with Green instead for a real healing chillout.
Green – Red – Blue – Black
You have to pick between Red and Green and since you want to stack to kill Black adds, pick Green to kill. There’s a fair amount of raid damage out there, but there’s no Purple to worry about so go to town with the heals and you should be fine.
Green – Yellow – Black – Red
This is another really rough one. Whichever way you slice it you’ll end up with 3 AoE damage abilities to deal with, so you’re going to need to pop some raid cooldowns and AoE heal your heart out to get through it. If there are no cooldowns available pop a Bloodlust instead, which will also help with the Black adds.
You’re pretty much forced to kill the Green so you can stand in to reduce the damage from the Red.
Blue – Black – Purple – Yellow
An easy one. You need to kill the Yellow, because if you don’t the AoE it does will overwhelm you and you can’t heal enough because of the Purple, leaving you with just the damage from the adds to handle, which is manageable.
Blue – Purple – Green – Yellow
Here you’re picking between Yellow and Green to kill, and as with the previous combination you should kill the Yellow for the same reason.
That leaves Green and Purple, which is healable.
Handling the Mana Void
The trouble with the Mana Void is that when you get your mana stolen you really need it back immediately to deal with the silly damage, and because four combinations include a Cobalt Blood you won’t have mana cooldowns available every time. You don’t have time to wait while the Mana Void is taken down from full HP, people will be dead by then.
So, when the first Mana Void spawns you should pop your raid mana cooldowns (Mana Tide, Hymn of Hope) and get by without killing the Mana Void at that time. Then either throw spare DPS on it or assign one person to it specifically while the next slimes are coming in; either way, get it down to around 10% then leave it alone.
Now, when the next Mana Void spawns and you have no mana and no cooldowns left, quickly kill off the old Mana Void for a free full mana bar. DPS the new Mana Void down to 10% again, rinse and repeat.
The advantage of this, despite being a bit more complicated, is that you’re always only a few seconds away from a replenished mana bar whenever you need it.
Deep Corruption
Here’s a full list of abilities that stack Deep Corruption.
Highlights for Discipline Priests:
- Atonement – 1 stack
- Binding Heal – 1 stack to the person you heal. NO STACKS for yourself.
- Divine Hymn – 1 stack per tick (i.e. will wipe your raid)
- Holy Fire (with Atonement) – 1 stack per tick. Do not use if you have atonement.
- Penance – 1 stack for the whole channeled cast (i.e. not 1 per tick)
- Power Word: Shield – 1 stack (even when glyphed)
- Prayer of Healing – 1 stack
- Prayer of Mending – NO STACKS
- Renew – 1 stack on initial application
Binding Heal is a useful spell, because it doesn’t add stacks to you. The downside is that it doesn’t heal for as much as Greater Heal, so if the target is taking big damage and you’re not in danger GH is still favoured.
Do not try and use Atonement here, especially not with Holy Fire. Atonement in general is bad because you can’t plan where it’ll go and it’s fairly weak healing anyway, and especially not Holy Fire because every tick adds another stack.
Penance, Greater Heal and Power Word: Shield are your staples depending on what’s needed most, and because it doesn’t generate stacks, keep PoM bouncing at all times for stack-free healing.
PW:B doesn’t do anything here, so use it if you need it, although it’s better to save it for the evil combinations with 3 AoE damage abilities.
Spec and Glyphs
This fight requires really high output, and is a great example of a time when Archangel shines. You can DPS the boss or the incoming slime to stack Evangelism, then pop it for a healing boost when things get rough later on. It’s also a fantastic boost just after the Mana Void has spawned.
In terms of Glyphs, it’s again all about the output. Prayer of Healing and Power Word Barrier are must-haves here. Pick between PW:S or Penance depending on your usage. I went with PW:S, but there’s a case for both.
Because of no dispels and high raid damage, Prayer of Mending is the Major top pick here.
Cooldown Usage
PW:B and Divine Hymn should be kept for the Yellow – Black – Red combinations. You’ll need them to survive the damage.
Pain Suppression should likewise be use on the nasty AoE healing combinations to keep the tank relatively out of trouble while you focus on the raid. Anything with Yellow up will do that.
Life Grip is useful either to get people in on the Red or out to the incoming slime to get it killed in time.
I’ve touched on Hymn of Hope before, it can be used just after the Mana Void spawns to get your raid some mana back up. Remember that the buff grants a chunk of free mana while it lasts, so even if you have to break off to heal after only a couple of seconds chanelling it’s still worth it. If you’ve got your raid pre-shielded, this ought to buy you enough time to get a few ticks off.
Ideally though, you’d like a non-healing Priest to pop HoH if you have one, so you don’t need to take time out from healing.
I’d suggest saving Shadowfiend for another Mana Void phase. Although you’ll get mana back soon from the Mana Void, there may be times when you need it sooner. Because of the effect of the Mana Void, there’s no point holding more mana than you need throughout the fight, it’s better to have it in reserve.
Other Tips
As I’ve mentioned previously, Archangel from DPSing the adds or boss is very useful for AoE damage phases. Just don’t Holy Fire the boss for a Purple phase, because each tick of Atonement adds a stack of Deep Corruption. he fight on normal mode.
You can prepare for either a Blue or Purple (or both) phase by throwing as many heals and particularly PW:S around the raid as possible before the Deep Corruption buff comes up, to get some stack-free healing and protection out there. You’re going to lose your mana or be limited in your healing ability anyway, so you might as well get a head-start even at high cost.
That mana void idea is very clever. Absolutely going to steal that for my own raid, thanks!
[…] Heroic Yorsahj AKA Skittles http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDHiI0mwmc8&feature=relmfu http://typehforheals.com/2011/12/15/heroic-yorsahj-the-unsleeping/ […]
We found that having our resto shaman place a healing rain or a holy priest channel Sanctuary just prior to Deep Corruption allows for raid-wide healing with only one stack for each. As long as the raiders don’t leave the AOE heal zone its an excellent HPS gain.